At All Vets USA every board member is either a veteran or had their lives impacted by a friend or family member that served our great country. Through our passion for veteran’s causes, we have witnessed many charitable organizations doing remarkable work for our veterans. All Vets USA was created to raise much needed funds and distribute those funds to reputable 501(c)(3) organizations. You donation today helps providing hands on services to veterans who have given so much of their lives to make our way of life possible.
We have seen the amount of devotion and time the staff and volunteers put into changing veterans lives – things like making sure there’s a room with a bed and TV, creating a learning center with new computers with training, providing a gym with fitness classes, feeding the hungry, counseling those in need to name just a few. Good people rolling up their sleeves to help those in need of assistance.
Show your pride in our armed forces today, either by making a donation or becoming a volunteer to help raise money for those in need.
Donate Today!
Everyday American soldiers put their lives on the line to protect our freedom. We ask simply to not turn our backs when they come home to the land they fought to protect. Help make sure that after defending our freedom, our veterans and their loved ones get the care they deserve.
All Vets USA ensures that your donations are delivered to reputable assistance programs. These programs provide essential support directly to disabled U.S. Veterans, their families and the spouses and children of deceased and active duty troops. Start making a difference today!
How Can You Help?
Donate for the Cause!

Every donation makes an impact on the life of someone in need. Whether your donation is just for general support or if you’d like to donate in memory or in honor of a loved one, we’re here to make sure your donation makes a difference.
Share our Cause!

One of the greatest things you can do for our veterans is share our cause. Not everything has to be valued by a monetary donation. Help All Vets USA raise awareness that our veterans need our help. Share with your friends and family today!
Attend our Events!

All Vets hosts events to help raise awareness and money for those who fought for our freedom. Check our events page to see how you can participate. We’re also accept event volunteers who want to give back to their community!
Volunteer Today!
If you'd like to help, simply complete the form below and an representative contact you. Thanks.
The Star Spangled Banner
A well done and entertaining Rock & Roll version,
performed by 'Madison Rising'.
Donor Comments
I’m so happy I just found All Vets USA! I’ve been looking for ways to give back to the community and I really can’t think of a better way. Helping support veterans feels great. I’m glad I can do something for those who fought to protect my freedom! ~Tony V.
I’ve lost both family and friends to their services for our amazing country. Without heroes like them, we wouldn’t be able to live our lives without constant fear. Organizations like All Vets USA helps to make a positive impact on those heroes when they finally come home. ~John W.
It’s refreshing to see a non-profit organization fight to protect our soldiers who have made it back home. They all didn’t come home safe and sound and many of them need our help to survive. All Vets USA is an amazing organization dedicated solely to caring for our veterans. ~Sharon A.